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Showing posts from June, 2020

astronomy books

Hawking solved one of the most imp. problem of scientists

 Hawking's Radiation Theory Confirmed As Black Holes Are Created In Lab Stephen Hawking's Radiation Theory Confirmed As Black Holes square measure Created In workplace 'Black holes' created in a very workplace make sure writer Hawking's radiation theory - and that they might win the scientist the laurels Hawking's theory could not be well-tried, because it did not relate effects of radiation Most believed not possible for data to cover whereas region shrunken Two separate teams of researchers have proof to keep a copy these claims These discoveries might facilitate win the scientist the laurels   Forty years past, physicist magnificently declared black holes evaporate and shrink as a result of they emit radiation. This alleged 'Hawking radiation' was a revolutionary theory, however thanks to the delicate nature of the escaping radiation, has been troublesome to prove. Now, 2 separate teams of researchers have discovered ...

Dr. Eslambolchi Hossein, (Applied, Astro Physics), MD: Future Predictions In Humanity

Dr. Eslambolchi Hossein, (Applied, Astro Physics), MD: Future Predictions In Humanity As an astrophysicist, I always wonder how we can get close to as humanly as  possible to determine God’s greatest creation (Genesis). One can assume with LHC or atom smasher, we may finally find the biggest mystery of the universe called dark matter given the existence of a black hole is already confirmed by astronomers and predicted by Einstein about a century ago. This is the hardest area to finally be able to identify Grand Unified Theory or Theory of Everything which will probably allow us to get closer to how this whole Genesis got created since the big bang and even before the big bang and using string theory which is gaining major attraction in the theoretical physics consortium. The two greatest mysteries in all of science are 1) Outer Space - What happened before creation? What happened to say just 10^-30 seconds before the real big bang? Did we have other big bangs in our univer...

The most mysterious object of the world

BLACK HOLE Black holes are one of the most mysterious things in the world . They are so mysterious that even Stephen Hawking and other scientist are  not able to fully understand its properties. So let us understand that how a black hole forms and dies: 1) Formation of Black holes :-  Black holes are formed by implosion (a n inward supernova/explosion) of huge stars  (at least 5 times more bigger than our sun which occupies approx 99% of weight of our solar system).  The gravitational force which acts inward towards the core of the star is so high in such huge stars that the star's core collapses & the star began to shrink. Finally a stage comes when a star whose size was even massive than sun is converted into a body whose size is in meters (Black holes)  & its mass is concentrated to a point  (Singularity) . * Just think for a moment that a star which was 5 times greater than sun have now all its mass in a point. Volume have become ...