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Dr. Eslambolchi Hossein, (Applied, Astro Physics), MD: Future Predictions In Humanity

Dr. Eslambolchi Hossein, (Applied, Astro Physics), MD: Future Predictions In Humanity

As an astrophysicist, I always wonder how we can get close to as humanly as 
possible to determine God’s greatest creation (Genesis). One can assume with LHC or atom smasher, we may finally find the biggest mystery of the universe called dark matter given the existence of a black hole is already confirmed by astronomers and predicted by Einstein about a century ago. This is the hardest area to finally be able to identify Grand Unified Theory or Theory of Everything which will probably allow us to get closer to how this whole Genesis got created since the big bang and even before the big bang and using string theory which is gaining major attraction in the theoretical physics consortium. The two greatest mysteries in all of science are 1) Outer Space - What happened before creation? What happened to say just 10^-30 seconds before the real big bang? Did we have other big bangs in our universe? This is what I can call outer space. 2) Inner Space - What goes on beyond our eyeballs? We have 100B neurons in our brains as many as stars in our milky way galaxy? Each neuron is connected to other 10K neurons in our brain. 50 years ago, we made a big mistake that we are still paying the price today. We thought the brain is the digital computer. But the brain has NO operating system, no programming, windows, IOS, Android, Linux, Python, CPU, Pentium chip & no sub-routines. After 50 years of a goose chase, we now understand the brain is neural networks – Brain Net (BN) per my previous article is truly a learning machine & that is how the brain has been wired. For example, the laptop is as stupid today as it was a decade ago since it is not learning anything. But our brain is a learning machine & we can capture any thoughts, feelings, pains & other attributes via a simple MRI machine as blood comes through the brain through our eyeballs. Assuming theoretical & experimental physics, we can see the blood flow in the brain for every kind of feeling including our 5 senses plus other feelings via a simple MRI machine. We can now capture thoughts in the brain and pass the info onto the 3D printer & decode it in a way to mathematically calculate the inter-relationships of each neurotransmitter. The methodology of mapping brain neurotransmitters has already been successfully been applied to mice and monkeys. Besides, experiments at a couple of Universities in the US have proven that we can upload memories (mice, monkeys) and be able to see the interaction of such experiments. Of course, next is the real complex part of any human anatomy which is mapping of each neurotransmitter (over 100B) and being able to see their interactions and then over time map entire brain via MRI into a 3D printers, thus solving one of the most complex parts of what God created in humanity since the dawn of evolution. In the future, images can be extracted from brain MRI which means, we become like an artist or even designers and this can revolutionize the entire industry in terms of innovation globally. Artists of the future will simply think about the genesis of the idea and get it onto the 3D printer via MRI scanning. Builders and designers of everything can just dream and print it on 3D printing machines. As an example, when one goes to sleep, the dream can be designed so in the sleep, one can see what it has designed and you can even wake up and play the dream on via videotape from previous nights. These may be science fictions but in less than 50-100 years, this is not going to be a joke or science fiction anymore. In my previous article on IOF, instead of sending digits, we send emotions, feelings, and memories which can be recorded even as of a few years ago and then upload it to a certain part of the brain, thus eliminating a significant number of abnormalities in the human brain as people get aged. I also believe one can easily build a chemistry chipset and upload it into our brains so the form of intelligence and education is going to be far different than the past several hundred centuries including current online education which has gained traction in response to COVID-19. I think college students will be happy to learn through this new model and spend more time on leisure and other sports-type activities including reading more books. In solving the Genesis of the entire brain like our galaxies, the good news is the type of information that can be everywhere and nowhere. For example, if you attend a conference say Consumer Electronics Show (CES), of course, everyone can't know everyone else. But in the future with the blink of the eye, not only we know every social information on the individual graphically but we can even determine who is lying and who is not through our new IOF or BN. We can even translate in real-time any language to any other language without any machine or translators. The best capabilities in science are yet to come in this century. There is also a negative side of this magnificent science which is in the future, we will have lawyers because only a human can argue to a jury – Even robots cannot do that at all right now, so without any fear in any human being learning science, I can guarantee there will be jobs in the future no matter which path we end up with. Earth has gone through many changes since its inceptions. Even dinosaurs got distinct so it is a fallacy to assume Earth will stay in the same situation in say billion years from now. Someday, we will also be extinct, thus requiring space exploration and with the latest NASA rocket engines along with Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos space exploration drive, the only issue is the cost that is going down by a factor of 10X every 10 years. 50 years ago, it would have taken hundreds of millions to put a spacecraft into orbit but as costs come down with new rocket engines, it becomes easier for humans to even travel to Moon or even Mars with far less expensive than what it could have been said 50 years ago. The main reason is that costs are going down fast and furious due to the reusability of rocket engines times and times again. For example, when one buys a car and rides one time, we do not junk it, the same theory is true in space exploration which is the positive side of new space rockets such as the one we saw last week at NASA with Dragon Capsule on the positive side. The main question is whether we can exceed the speed of light and even if we understand Einstein Theory of Relativity, he never said it cannot be done but it can be achieved via Wormhole which is in theory but practically, we have never been able to see such event even with our greatest telescope both on Earth or even around our planet Earth. So, it is possible to use the Wormhole to pass through to perhaps another galaxy or even parallel universe. Of course, these are all theoretical models that have not yet even proven at fist fundamental state Wormhole is the only way one can travel to other parallel universes or galaxies so even Einstein predicted one can bypass speed of light via Wormhole. To achieve the vision I have painted here, we truly need to think of moving away from Moore’s prediction which is limited to only 5nm sub-atomic particles or hell will break loose. I also believe Silicon chip can be replaced by Photonic, Molecular, Protein, Atomic, or even DNA transistors and use them in the development of every kind of disease in our healthcare and technology exploration, both outer-space and inner-space. In my humble opinion, the molecular chipset is the best option given de-coherence principles in theoretical physics. In the future, we will be using quantum computing but 50 Qubit is the minimum we need to reach the computational needs of this decade but far from enough to solve both outer-space and inner-space exploration. I can also profess that even flying cars similar to the one being used in the UAE is indeed possible with the technology of the future. Finally, science is the engine of prosperity in this century. We are all born as scientists which in essence are considered artists and designers. By 2100, the best in all humanity is yet to come and eventually be able to underst 
Genesis as God’s greatest creation. Dr. Eslambolchi


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