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astronomy books

Dr. Eslambolchi Hossein, (Applied, Astro Physics), MD: Future Predictions In Humanity

Dr. Eslambolchi Hossein, (Applied, Astro Physics), MD: Future Predictions In Humanity As an astrophysicist, I always wonder how we can get close to as humanly as  possible to determine God’s greatest creation (Genesis). One can assume with LHC or atom smasher, we may finally find the biggest mystery of the universe called dark matter given the existence of a black hole is already confirmed by astronomers and predicted by Einstein about a century ago. This is the hardest area to finally be able to identify Grand Unified Theory or Theory of Everything which will probably allow us to get closer to how this whole Genesis got created since the big bang and even before the big bang and using string theory which is gaining major attraction in the theoretical physics consortium. The two greatest mysteries in all of science are 1) Outer Space - What happened before creation? What happened to say just 10^-30 seconds before the real big bang? Did we have other big bangs in our univer...